E-mail: biuro@berrygroup.eu
Certified blueberry producers
BerryGroup Sp. z o. o. We are a group of fruit producers operating since 2011. We decided to join forces when we decided that blueberries were more than just cultivation and work for us. By cultivating this passion together and exchanging experiences, we enjoy increasingly greater harvests and quality.
We are the leader in the production of BLUEBERRIES in Poland. Successes in growing this species mean that we introduce other species of fruit and vegetables to our fields with the same courage and dedication. Hard work and drawing on the latest agrotechnical trends allow us to offer our customers the highest quality blueberries of many varieties - but also - raspberries, blackberries and asparagus from our own plantations.
Every year we also increase the harvest of other
fruits and vegetables
Berrygroup exports blueberries to over 20 countries on 4 continents.
This proves the highest quality of fruit and the high standard of our business activities.